You will have your own individual liaison officer who will be on call 24 hours a day 7 days a week if there are any maintenance issues with your property for the duration of your stay.
- Locked out? We will be there with a key
- Broken boiler? We will organise emergency plumbing assistance
- Don’t worry we can set up all your utilities and purchase your TV licence on your behalf
- Under ISO regulations our team of electricians, plumbers, handymen, roofers are all insured and trusted by JGL to do the job.
- JGL ensure all your safety certificates are in order and renewed annually
- JGL can provide the following services on a weekly basis:
- laundry collection
- household cleaning
- gardening
- window cleaning
JGL aim to resolve any property issue within 24 hours of reporting. Our dedicated team of approved fully qualified contractors across the country have all fulfilled the rigorous requirements of our ISO 9001:2008 accreditation.